Event Series BMCCF Monthly Meeting

BMCCF Monthly Meeting

Join us for our monthly social gathering and business meeting on the third Thursday of every month (except December). We gather at 6:00 PM for dinner and socialization at Hieronymous Seafood on Market Street in Wilmington, NC, followed by a short business meeting at 7:00 PM.

Wilmington Cars & Coffee

The Pointe at Barclay 3401 Independence Blvd, Wilmington, NC, United States

Cars and Coffee An informal monthly gathering of car enthusiasts.  Currently, they meet the first Saturday of each month at The Point at Barclay starting around 9 AM. Come early to get a good spot and park with fellow club members! Lots of interesting cars of all types. Link to Cars & Coffee Wilmington's Facebook Page Link

Carolina British Classics Car Show

British Car Club Midlands Centre at the Day South FestivalThe Historic Columbia Speedway2001 Charleston Hwy, Cayce, SC Early Registration before March 22  $35 + $10 each additional carRegular and Day of Registration $45 Price includes entry to the Tartan games  Go to bccmc.com for registration and more information

6th Annual BMCCF Memorial Picnic

Long Leaf Park, Wilmington NC 314 Pine Grove Road, Shelter #6, Wilmington, North Carolina, United States

Longleaf Park Shelter #63124 Pine Grove Road, Wilmington 11AM - 3PM Rain or Shine Share some camaraderie and memories of our departed members.Enjoy Fried Chicken, Pulled Pork BBQ with sides and non-alcoholic beverages provided by BMCCF.Pavilion seats 100 people, Adult Beverages permitted. Restrooms nearby. More details to come !

Event Series BMCCF Monthly Meeting

BMCCF Monthly Meeting

Join us for our monthly social gathering and business meeting on the third Thursday of every month (except December). We gather at 6:00 PM for dinner and socialization at Hieronymous Seafood on Market Street in Wilmington, NC, followed by a short business meeting at 7:00 PM.

Wilmington Cars & Coffee

The Pointe at Barclay 3401 Independence Blvd, Wilmington, NC, United States

Cars and Coffee An informal monthly gathering of car enthusiasts.  Currently, they meet the first Saturday of each month at The Point at Barclay starting around 9 AM. Come early to get a good spot and park with fellow club members! Lots of interesting cars of all types. Link to Cars & Coffee Wilmington's Facebook Page Link

Event Series BMCCF Monthly Meeting

BMCCF Monthly Meeting

Join us for our monthly social gathering and business meeting on the third Thursday of every month (except December). We gather at 6:00 PM for dinner and socialization at Hieronymous Seafood on Market Street in Wilmington, NC, followed by a short business meeting at 7:00 PM.

28th Annual Triangle British Classic Car Show

Wake Tech 6600 Louisburg Rd, Raleigh, North Carolina

Sponsored by NC MG Car Club and Hagerty. Triangle British Classic - Pre-Register through April 11! This is the twenty eighth anniversary of the North Carolina MG Car Club's Triangle British Classic Car Show.  It is being held for the third year at Wake Tech North on May 17, 2025.  This is a wonderful facility with


Wilmington Cars & Coffee

The Pointe at Barclay 3401 Independence Blvd, Wilmington, NC, United States

Cars and Coffee An informal monthly gathering of car enthusiasts.  Currently, they meet the first Saturday of each month at The Point at Barclay starting around 9 AM. Come early to get a good spot and park with fellow club members! Lots of interesting cars of all types. Link to Cars & Coffee Wilmington's Facebook Page Link

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